Astrological Predictions for Year 2025 (PDF)
>>World Predictions for 2025
>>A Poem for Everyone
– By Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Ph.D., written on December 30, 2024 (for year 2025)
Note: We recommend that you read this prediction newsletter in a flow, rather than by section, since some information in the prior and next sections are interconnected.
Important predictions fulfilled: Covid-19 source and purpose was predicted and written about in by Dr. Kumar on April 2, 2020. It has now been established, and it is being spoken about in the news. He also had predicted about Trump winning, when almost every source expected otherwise - please read more here. See more predictions on Google posts.
World Predictions for 2025
January 1st 2025 at sunrise –
Sagittarius rising with Sun in it, Moon in Capricorn, Venus and Saturn in Aquarius, Rahu in Pisces, Jupiter in Taurus, Mars in Cancer, Ketu in Virgo, and Mercury in Scorpio. This generally is a good beginning. There could be some issues to do with the health of people and the weather.
On January 21st Mars moves back into Gemini by retrograde motion which will be very good for America, indicating power and progression coming to the country. Saturn will move into Pisces on 29th March which will be very good for America, indicating a lifting of gloom, depression and coming out of a slump. Next, Jupiter will move into Gemini on 15th May. This will be great for America as it shows progress, financial growth, and prosperity to the country.
However, on March 29th, a Saturday, will be a New Moon day where the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Rahu all clustered together in the sign of Pisces. Mars will re-enter Cancer on 3rd of April and is going to remain there until 7th of June. This could indicate a possibility of many things like vehicular accidents, some great storms, some new disease, turbulence in the oceans and possibly something to do with homeland security. I would not advise people to travel during this time. This complex and difficult planetary position becomes worse on 10th April. Sometimes it can create great destructive storms like Sandy and can also indicate warlike situations. There may also be some serious issues at the border. This kind of situation is likely to continue until mid-April.
From mid-June onwards the planets will be in good harmony and overall things look good for America. Donald Trump will be stronger in his position, but he needs to take care of his health. He may be susceptible to hypertension, cholesterol and cardiovascular problems. (Someone needs to tell him to go vegetarian.J)
As for India, as I had written earlier, there could be some problems with the neighbors, some water related problems and secret elements trying to destabilize the country. From January 21st onwards, India may have a strong military buildup and be a force to reckon with. Rahu will move on 6th of June. After that India will become even more stronger and all secret enemies and notorious neighbors will be helpless against India. India will become further very strong by way of economy, by way of power and position, international trades and international support from October 19th onwards.
The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also become very strong from June onwards and he will acquire a powerful stature. His enemies will be vanquished and he will take the country to great heights in the next year.
As for China, I don’t see any wars. But Xi Jinping will also make his military stronger from 21st January. It’s during that period which I mentioned from 29th March up to mid-April that there could be some turbulent times for China as well.
I think from 15th May onwards the Ukraine war will also get over. Ironically Zelensky was born with Mars in Cancer with Moon in conjunction, and Sun and Venus in opposition – from comedy to tragedy. And that’s why he probably had to face war. As per his chart also it indicates rebuilding and a progressive time from mid-October onwards.
Russia too will be looking at better ties with other countries and peaceful resolutions from June onwards. Putin’s chart is very strong and if anyone thinks that he was going to die because of cancer, that’s not going to happen. After 29th March he will also simmer down and I think there would be some resolutions to end the war.
Benjamin Netanyahu does not really have a good chart. It shows he has a lot of mental activity going on and his words and promises will be unreliable. He also has a debilitated Jupiter in his chart indicating a hollow spirituality. After 29th March it shows that the war in the Middle East would end, but not before he creates some upheaval between March and mid-April. And it’s also possible from April 2025 up to November 2027 he may be afflicted with some chronic disease which affects the mind or the brain – like cancer/tumor.
As per Israel’s chart, based on the declaration of Independence, it does show the possibility of a change of leadership any time from April 2025 onwards.
So overall, we are looking at a year with a good opening, some turbulence in March – April, but things setting down nicely from June onwards.
Unfortunately, in this Dark Age evil is maximum. Countries are fighting for lands, but destroying lands and civilizations and life altogether. Millions are dying, millions have become homeless. Then of what use is it? So much destruction has taken place which takes years and years to recover. But the lives that are lost, they are gone forever. I wished the world leaders would sort out matters peacefully with some level of understanding, some give some take, so that a mass destruction is averted. In the end, everyone loses. None is happy. And all those innocent civilians who are not even aware or interested in the politics of the country, those sweet innocent children who are hoping to grow up to do something for themselves, for their families and their countries – they lost their lives.
In the coming times there are going to be some great changes coming to planet Earth. I had written earlier that there is going to be a shift of Earth’s magnetic field and subsequently there will be great climatic and geographical changes on Earth. Many places on land will be covered by water and new lands will surface from the Earth. Then why are people fighting for lands and killing millions and incurring great sins?! Karma always comes back.
Pisces is the last of the Zodiac signs. And as Saturn enters Pisces, it will be the End of Times, before the beginning of a New Era. Unless there is a transformation in the human heart and humans learn to live in Unity, with compassion and care for all human beings and all living beings created by God, planet Earth will head towards destruction.
The coming times are bound to destroy evil as the Dark Age ends. So in a way, it’s a time for humans to choose between the righteous and the unrighteous. The New Age will be the age of Truth, Righteousness, in which Dharma (Righteousness) will prevail, and only the good souls will live to propagate the New Age.
We are at the end of the age of mankind which lasts for about 25,000 years. What man is suffering today is not because of what God has made for man, it is because of what man has made for man. People are looking for life on other planets. But they don’t care about life on their own planet. Mother Nature is being battered by man. The skies, where the angels fly, are being invaded by rockets and missiles. Even the Gods are angry.
We all hope and wish for a nice and prosperous New Year. But with these wars and destructions going on Earth, how can there be a Happy New Year? All this has to end. In the coming times, the leader of every country will be a messenger of God, chosen to to bring peace, harmony, unity, love, care and compassion in humanity. Therefore, this is the time, now is the time for transformation, for re-evaluation of our karma.
The world today is infected by greed, corruption, anger, hatred, jealousy and violence. These are all demonic qualities and bound to bring destruction. Therefore, man has to be unmade and remade with a heart of compassion, love and care for our fellow human beings.
The motto should be Believe in the Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God.
God Bless!
Dr Rakesh Kumar (PhD)
A Poem for Everyone
I see the Stars, and I see the Signs.
I can foresee the coming times.
It may sound a little strange,
But there are things you can change.
Into darkness you can bring light,
With some wisdom and some foresight.
Maybe some things can be averted,
If you are timely alerted.
Maybe it’s time to pause and think,
Destiny may bring around some link.
We can do something to overcome our sorrow,
Some remedies may bring a better tomorrow.
You can have success, happiness and hope.
Maybe it’s time to read your horoscope.
God Bless ALL!
Dr. Rakesh Kumar
Founder & Chairman
Tel: 718-429-1892 (New York)
For more information on astrological gemstones, you can read here: